How to check whether given number is Armstrong or not in Java?

Problem Description :

Write a program in Java that checks whether given number is Armstrong or not.

Java program that checks whether given number is Armstrong or not.
Number is Armstrong or not?


Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits. For example 153 because 153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3.

Java Program :

Output :

Case 1 :

output of java program that checks whether given number is Armstrong or not - case1
Given number is not Armstrong

Case 2 :

output of java program that checks whether given number is Armstrong or not - case2
Given number is Armstrong

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References :

Thank you friends, I hope you have clearly understood the solution of this problem. If you have any doubt, suggestion or query please feel free to comment below. You can also discuss this solution in our forum.

Tags : Number Problems, Armstrong Number, if else statement, for loop, String, Regular expressions, Mathematics Problem.

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I am simple guy with lot of ambitions. My main motive is to share whatever knowledge I have related to programming. With me you can easily learn how to solve any programming problem in Java.You can connect with me on social networking sites also.

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How to check whether given number is Armstrong or not in Java? How to check whether given number is Armstrong or not in Java? Reviewed by Rohit Agarwal on 3/10/2017 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Explanation on armstrong concept is good. Thanks for sharing.



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